Life has been busy! In addition to my calling as Ward Choir director, I’ve also been given the assignment to run a “Pursuit of Excellence” program for our ward’s Relief Society. It’s a program encouraging the sisters to set goals and complete them during the year. Last night we had our first meeting to introduce the program and help motivate everyone.
Usually I’m the kind of person that asks what I can do to help and I’m happy to assist in any way I can. It was quite a new experience having people ask ME what they could do to help. I was so grateful for those that helped with the preparations.
It went well. I spoke for about half an hour, and told them about some of the goals I’d set in preparing for this assignment. I told them about my musical. It’s one of the reasons why I am writing it.
After the meeting, I mentioned if anyone was feeling overwhelmed or not motivated, that they could take a test to see what DOES motivate them. I got it from a book I highly recommend called, “Get Motivated!” by Tamara Lowe. The test can also be taken online at (Click on “Take the Motivational DNA test”)
Anyway it was interesting to me that about 6 or 7 women stayed afterwards to take the test, and that every single one of them ended up with the same motivational type! (A CSI) I was able to read the little snippet about CSI’s – Connectors/Stabilizers/Internals, and it really seemed to help calm their fears and have a better insight into how they could accomplish their goals specific to them. I was glad I had the resource.
So that’s what’s been going on this week. Hope everyone is well. I’d love to hear about your goals for this year!