In church, last Sunday, I was released from my calling as the Primary Children’s piano accompanist, and was instead given the assignment to play piano in Relief Society (our Women’s organization)!
It was a surprise to me to be released after such a short time (about 2 months), but I was grateful for the opportunity to spend my last Sunday in Primary, helping the children to learn “Because I Love Him Too”.
One funny thing that happened, after the chorister had finished teaching the children my song, she tried to switch gears and asked for suggestions of what songs the children would like to sing. My 8-year -old raised her hand and loudly exclaimed, “That one! I want to sing it again, that’s my favorite song!”
I couldn’t help but smile from the piano. What more could a mom ask for?
Lindy Kerby
Lindy Kerby is an Inspirational Speaker, Singer/Songwriter, and Mentor.
She has written or worked on over 300 songs and has three inspirational music albums. Lindy loves helping others discover the songs of their heart and help them find the hope, courage and confidence to share those songs with others. Lindy is mother to 7 children and has one beautiful grandbaby.