A week ago our Relief Society presidency was changed. Yesterday, the newly called sisters began in their new callings, beginning with their testimonies. I wanted to be there for that.
I went to Sunday School with my Primary class (I get to teach the Valiants – age 10-11 this year), and then, since we only had two kids in the class, I snuck in to Relief Society to be there when the change happened. It has been a while since I’ve been to Relief Society, and I just drank in the wonderful spirit.
Our new president will be amazing. She is one of my visiting teachers! (or used to be probably…) She is one of those inspirational humble sisters who attends the temple regularly (I mean like every day!) She puts the Lord and everything he wants her to do, first in her life, and because of that, she is an amazing instrument in the Lord’s hands. It’s always fun to see that first week when those sisters called tell of how totally inadequate and unsure they are in their callings, while the spirit is there in a powerful way to testify to each of us that they truly are who the Lord wants, serving in those positions. They will do well.
The Relief Society President’s counselors are friends that I already have much respect and love for. They will be an awesome presidency. I was grateful for a chance to be there and enjoy that Relief Society spirit. I stayed for the lesson, cried (good tears of course) and even had a chance to share a thought or two that I had. How I love Relief Society!